After an hour we took off and headed home. On the way my fellow comrade develop some weird eye irritation and luckily we found a Target. There, we spoke to the pharmacist who recommended a specific type of eye cleaner. While there though I spoke to the pharmacist and told her that my friend was going to pharmacy school. You should have seen how enthusiastic she got. Her answer was "oh, that's nice." As my bottom jaw dropped, I thought in my head, "WTF this chick is dull." She didn't really seem so enthusiastic about her job. But maybe she had a fucking good night (YEAH RIGHT). A good night to her is probably Hagen Daz, and a bowl.
As we left the Target and drove down the road we saw Verizon protestor's. I honked my horn, and my comrade had his thumbs up. Man you should have seen the attention we got. I think not one fucking person took their eyes off their damn hamburger, nor did they seem to hesitate in their conversation.
I dropped my comrade home, and headed to mine. There I had a package! I'd finally gotten my replacement credit card, which now had to be activated. I called the number specified, and then was transferred to an agent. The agent and I had a really insightful conversation. Her name is Pam, and I learned she wants to be a minister. Pam and I talked about this blog, and I recommend her to comment on this one, and the Vicarious World blog ( She gave me great information about promoting and talking to people, as well as continuing this blog at my school. Pam even recommended I try to start seminars. I never thought about anything like that and thought to myself that would really be cool. This blog and the other can be a place where people come before or after there long day and read and comment on what my friends and I post.
Tangent: I usually know where my day is going to take me. Lately, though I'm just going with the flow, and I have to say I like it. This uncertainty feeling makes me feel free, insightful, and more important. So day two was very successful. I've learned that meeting people is very enjoyable, and just like myself they have good things to say. Well now I'm going to go read about something that will puzzle my brain.
Tune in tomorrow. Oh! and One love my brothers and sisters.
Excuse me but you haven't given your "I" a name. If you want to be or remain anonymous then I get the idea.
ReplyDeleteThe blogs from you so far are interesting. A word of advice(do not get offended),add a few punch lines after describing the people you meet. It will bring more humor into your blog.
Till next Blog lol
@Mel~Rose Thanks for have an interest in my post and I will try to add more humor. Also I added the person I met to the title, and I believe her is in the second to last paragraph.If that was what you were referring with the "I"