Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NYC Robert: Wisdom Tooth

I did not want to get out of bed today. I wasn't interested in talking to, or being around anyone because today was the day I had to get my wisdom tooth removed. Ouch! Since I knew food wouldn't be much of an option after the procedure I ate as much as I could for breakfast.

Today was national drive slow day. I knew that because I'm only 15 minutes away from the dentist and I was running late. As I glanced down at the speedometer it read 45 mph. WTF!! Since I'm the nicest person in the world I didn't honk my horn, instead I just went with the flow. I also called the dentist to let them know that I would be five minutes late. Their office is very strict, and what made that more obvious was the conversation I had about being five minutes late. The lady said "you can only be five minutes, no more." As I listened to her aggressive tone of voice I thought to myself, "Who the fuck is the bitch talking to?" However, I responded "Okay." Driving with aggression at 45 mph is the best feeling ever. Not! At the office I still felt the tension in the ladies voice. I say to myself "What the fuck did I do?" You may think she was having a bad day, but actually every time I spoke to her it was the same way. Maybe I missed the memo on how to have a conversation with secretaries that are annoyed with life. Anyway, as I sat in an empty waiting room, I wondered why they played classical music.

The lady came to the door, and said "Michael, we're ready for you." I thought to myself, "really I'm the only one here, who the fuck else would you be ready for?" I walked down the hall and went to the third door on my left. There I was instructed to sit in a chair and place a tube that contained nitric oxide around my nose. I looked to my right and saw an X-ray of my maxilla, I also saw the destruction that was about to take place. It took a while for the NO2 to circulate my body, in that time I made small talk with the dentist and his assistant. The talk was mainly about the Nitric Oxide I was inhaling and how funny it was making me feel. I also noticed the music and how calm it made me feel. In a way I wanted to laugh because of the irony, but couldn't. At that moment they knew the chemicals were taking an affect. That's when I got about ten injections in the upper and lower regions of my wisdom teeth.

The nitric oxide was really doing the trick; at times I would close my eyes and begin to fall asleep. Other times, I would watch the dentist use various tools to chisel around the tooth until he could pull it out. The procedure lasted about fifteen minutes, and the only thing I had felt was the numbness in my mouth. I actually got a verbal award by having big wisdom teeth. They even allowed me to keep them. Let's go teeth!! I found that to be very fascinating. Who would have thought that my mouth housed big teeth? Awesome!

Before my day ended I had to get my pain medication. I went to my local Wal-Mart, but they wanted too much information so I decided to go my CVS. However, before I left I decided to get body wash, deodorant, and peroxide. After getting my hygenol supplies I went to join the checkout line. While I was walking this lady steam rolled right in front of me. She then turned around and said, "I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Let’s back up...I'm walking to the checkout line and I'm clearly in front of her. As I stare at the line I notice frizzy hair crossing my path. Damn! This bitch just cut me. She apologized, but all I could do was stare and say, "don't worry about." Kicker is I got her back. Another line had opened up, and I notice her trying to go over there. Whoops! I shimmied right on down. "Next!" The clerk said. Ha-ha bitch..

Well until next time my brothers and sisters
One love.

Jersey Cambell's dia numero siete y ocho

Excuse me boys and girls, I forgot to set the tone for my last post. Can't have a history of cocaine lesson without some Eric Clapton.

The scope of cocaine use in medical products is well documented, and from what we know of the drug so far, all claims made by doctors and drug manufacturers in the late 1800s are somewhat legitimate.

By 1905 snorting coke became popular. By 1910 the first cases of nasal damage from snorting is found in medical journal and seen in hospitals. in 1912 the US Government reported 5,000 cocaine related fatalities in one year.

The tide began to turn during the great moral panic of the early 20th century. Blacks, Mexicans, and Filipinos were pissing on the moral fabric of America. Cocaine was being linked to derelicts, gamblers, prostitutes, pimps, burglars, blacks, and other low-class members of society. Some doctors and social scientists even went so far as to say that many interracial rapes were by cocaine- craving black men. (Side note: they also pinned the image of the mad black man onto marijuana as well. Cocaine makes some sense, but weed? Indoctrination and manipulation knows no bounds.)

The Harrison Narcotics Act was passed into law in December, 1914. The law regulated and taxed the production, importation, and distribution of opiates and coca leaves. Lets look at the events that led up to the passing of this legislation (brace yourself for a history lesson).
I'll spare us all the explanation of the opiate condition in America.

The Journal of American Medicine published an editorial stating that the niggers from the south were using coke. Newspapers ran with this idea and started talking about how the coke caused the niggers to rape white women and could even improve their shooting accuracy. A scary thought indeed. If most of the rape cases in the south against our precious white women were by cocaine-crazed black men, we must regulate the drug to ensure the safety of our people. This is basically how they were able to outlaw marijuana too. Lies and propaganda. Linking a drug to a perceived threatening class or race often fueled American's perception on that drug. (It's not just America though. In the 19th century the Chinese regarded opium as a tool of Western domination, and used that in their anti-opium campaigns.)

Accoridng to the Harrison Act, cocaine was still illegal for distribution and use, but for registered companies and individuals it was as legal as discrimination and segregation. So while you could still get it prescribed by doctors, you wouldn't find any cocaine cigarettes at the local grocery. But the public fear of the drug had already been planted in the minds of the people. Cocaine use declined steadily through the 1930s, when the New York City Mayor's Committee on drug addiction declared that cocaine was no longer a societal problem, if it ever was.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

NYC ROBERT, Another day:


Sleeping is probably the most relaxed state for us animals. Why? Because we don’t have to do anything, it’s a time for enjoyment and peace. However, this country has actually taken away that enjoyment with the most annoying sound ever, a device that is so annoying to man- the ALARM CLOCK… This device wakes you when you’re either just about to get laid in your dream, or about to win the lottery. Who ever made this shit must have not thought it fully through. I think alarm clocks can be more than that device that sits next to your bed. For instance, the train passing your house every morning at a specific time, a parent yelling "WAKE UP!!!", or a fucking lawn mower. Yup it’s Monday, and those guys are back at it. Fucking Awesome!!!

While I laid in bed listening to that annoying lawn mower sound buzzing, I began to think of my daily plan. I planned to clean my car, go to CVS, and lastly, pay my school bill. My car had this very awful smell. I thought a rat died in there. Luckily, I discovered the smell was coming from a bottle. I say “luckily” because all I had to do was get rid of the bottle and then the problem was solved, I also got some air fresheners.

(Driving to my school) It's not uncommon for the LIE (Long Island Expressway) to be backed up at any given hour of the day, especially around lunch time. I take the side road, which goes right through the traffic. While driving I glanced through my rear view mirror and noticed a MAD MAN driving. His eagerness nearly killed me. As the light strikes yellow I prepare to stop, at the same time this nut changes right into my lane. Thankfully there wasn't someone to my right otherwise this dumbass would have driven right into me. He then reverses his car because he was in the way of traffic. He tries to have a conversation about traffic lights. I stare at this fool and wonder if he knew that he nearly killed me.

Finally at school, the bursar's office was backed up (nothing unusual). I stood in line for about twenty minutes when a lady came out and said "if you’re paying by check just drop it off here." Damn was that good to hear!!! After paying my bill I got very hungry so I walked over to the local campus lunch spot called Totz. While there I got in to a conversation with Christy and Tori, we talked about dating and relationships. I didn't really have an in depth conversation with the two ladies because they were eating and I was a bit in a rush. To describe the ladies Christy had dirty blonde hair, and mentioned that she was married. Tori, had curly hair, but didn’t mention her relationship status, however, I’m sure she has a boyfriend. I gave them my blog information, as they seemed a bit interested to read it.

The day went well and obviously not much went on, but not to fret tomorrow’s a new day.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jersey Campbell's dia numbero cinco y seis

Ask any druggie who knows his history (they're not as rare as you think) what year he would like to time travel to. I guarantee that the 1800s will be in the top three responses. Aside from the puritans and social reformers lambasting drunkards and denouncing alcohol, a minor cold would grant you access to at least a shot of some opiates. The question is not what was available, it's what wasn't available. Coke, heroine, opium, morphine, quaaludes, cigarettes (what could bogeys cure? Asthma of course!), alcohol, chloroform, marijuana, soda, amphetamines, barbiturates, and various other quack remedies could be had over the counter (I miss the good ole days). Most of these drugs are now illegal.

Have a pain? Here's some cocaine!

The "miracle drug"s heyday in the 1800s saw it prescribed by the country's best physicians for exhaustion, depression, and morphine addiction. It was also available in many patent medicines. Come to think of it, from what we know of the coca leaf and cocaine, it would definitely work to alleviate exhaustion and depression. We should look into getting that back into drugstores. It can't be much worse than what is already sold at your local CVS.

Every manufacturer wanted to hop on the cocaine bandwagon during this time. Italian doctor Paolo Mantegazza went to Peru in 1859, witnessed the natives
chewing coca leaves, and of course had to try it himself. You'd do the same thing. He wrote a paper on the coca leaf describing its effects which was later read by a French chemist by the name of Angelo Mariani.

in 1863 Mariani began selling Vin Mariani Wine which had been treated with coca leaves.

Back then, instead of buying an 8-ball and booze, you'd get them in one shot.

The bandwagon continued to grow into the 1880's as Frederick Allen created the now renowned soft drink Coca-Cola. It is said to have contained a "pinch" of coca leaf. No wonder people liked it so much.

Also in 1885 manufacturer Parke-Davis (once America's oldest and largest drug maker) sold cocaine cigarettes, power, and injections. The company claimed that their coke products would "supply the place of food, make the coward brave, the silent eloquent, and render the sufferer insensitive to pain." "Oh really? We've known this for over 3,000 years," said the Bolivian slave.

The father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud was an early advocate for cocaine, believing that it was a safe and useful tonic that could cure depression and sexual impotence (boy was he right). So what Freud may have been a coke-head? Who wasn't back then? Thomas Edison also promoted cocaine use during his day.

The wonder drug's time in medicinal substances and carbonated drinks was relatively short lived as scientists and physicians finally discovered that this shit was kinda unhealthy. By the 1920s there were enough regulations to halt the use of cocaine in medicine, effectively protecting the public from partying too much. Damn government, always tryna stop us from having a good time.

Until next time. Peace and Coke... I mean, "Love."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

NYC Robert: Sometimes meeting new people is easier than it may seem


It was so silent in my house I probably could’ve been woken by a pin drop. What actually woke me was the religion of our new technology, the joyful sound we all enjoy, the precious sound of a fucking iphone text message. Nice!!! I honestly wish I’m never woken by that annoying iphone text sound again. Anyway, I thought it was only 7 am, but as I glance at the clock it reads 8:20. All I could think of was getting to work by 9:00 am. Already it’s clear I’m having a damn good morning. Obviously I didn’t have much time to get ready so I quickly got dressed and ate some breakfast. Luckily, I was out the door within 20 minutes.

At work it was a regular Saturday (not much going on). I would get many regulars, who would come in mainly to chat. Today, Eric came in to see what was on clearance. Eric is a financial adviser, who in his spare time seeks discounts on electronic merchandise such as cameras, camcorders, and TV’s. Lately, he's been coming in and has been a mentor to me. So far he and I have discussed a lot of his past. Like when he used to live in Barbados and was very financially set. So set he owned very expensive cars, lived on the beach, and traveled to countries like people go to the grocery store. Eric had a very interesting past. These days he's taking it really easy. His reason for that is mainly because he reads the bible a lot. It’s taught him not to be so wild and rambunctious... If you’re wondering how that happened, just think of a bachelor living in the Caribbean with a lot of money. As our conversation grew, I then discussed my ventures a bit too, mainly on my challenge of meeting new people. Eric then mentions something very wise-the Book of Solomon. He tells me how Solomon had many women, but mentions that they were just metaphorical weights on his shoulders. The pleasure they brought would be of a mere fifteen, twenty, or thirty minutes, and then what? He stares at what he just did and feels no different than he did before, except a bit worse. By Eric mentioning this, I thought he may have taken what I said a bit wrong. But either way what he said was very insightful. You may assume I know Eric very well however, today was the first time I found out his name. After he left I really thought of the words by Solomon, and how I could use them.

The day was the day, but by night the dogs come out to play.

Later that day my friends and I venture to a barbecue, there we met Ashleigh, along with her family and friends. I got into a brief conversation with Ashleigh about her take on one of my blogs. She had great input, but was so bombarded with tending to her guests that we postponed the conversation for later. After the cake had been cut, and the drinks had been drunken, my friends and I decided to head out. But before we did of course we had to say our goodbye's. During this time a fellow comrade of mine, who happens to be a KAPPA assumed that some girl was astounded by that. I disagreed. Later I asked him why he thought he KAPPANESS made him more desirable, and we kind of bumped heads. I guess when you have two cocky guys so close to one another that’s bound to happen. But everything is cool folks


Onto our other lame adventure, Nautical Mile, there we found a bar that didn't close at 2am. Anyway, while at the bar I wanted to find out more about what women think about dating and relationships. It wasn't long before I was talking to three ladies on the subject. I didn't get their demographics, but their perspectives were different than Nicky and Emily, who I mentioned in a previous post. So I kept listening and talking. I learned more about the women's mind, and although I will never fully figure it out, I find that this helps. Of the three ladies I found out one is in a relationship, another is a teacher, and the last is a bartender. The Bartender had a lot to say and she said she hears a lot of stories on relationships. I figured that because people get drunk and talk to the bartender, so that made a lot of sense. After listening to all of these ladies I felt that I had a lot of insightful information and that would help me in my next relationship blog. I said my goodbye's and finally the night had ended.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

NYC Robert: Does who I met today fit the definition of a stranger

This post is for 8/19/11

It's been about four years or more since I've had a conversation with this person, and we've known each other since we were eight years old. Back then we hung out all the time, played basketball, rode bikes, and just kicked it. Today, saying "hello" would seem like I was talking to a stranger. I hadn't really thought of it because when I'd see him I'd wave, but casually. We also never really spoke much in the later years of high school. Honestly, I felt that we grew and turned in different path's. He had his friends, and I had mine. You could also say he was a lot more popular than I was, which meant that he carried with him a group of people I wasn't too fond of. Ironically though a lot of people he was friends with didn't have the same smarts as him. He always wanted to be a business man. I remember when we were kids that's all he would speak of. And although he was a gifted basketball player, making it to the league wasn't his dream.

Today I was driving down the road as I always do, and I guess he said to himself "enough is enough." He runs out into the road and stops me. I was very shocked! He begins going hysterical at my disrespectful behavior because I never say hello. As we began to talk, I noticed that he was very frustrated that I never stopped to have a conversation with him. As I mentioned before we hadn't spoken in long time. Clearly though their was a lot of things we could have discussed. He asked me many question mainly on what I'm doing in life now and what I want to do later.

For those of you who don't know I'm currently pursuing a bachelor's of science in physical education. It wasn't my first choice, and if I discuss my other majors it will take a while. But I chose it because working with kids is a lot of fun and it brings me joy. The second reason is that I could also be a personal trainer. Just killed two birds with one stone. The only sad part is that since I've changed my major so much and none of them were tied together, I still have two years left of school. After that though I want to get a Doctorate in Dietetics. If you ever have a conversation with me on healthy eating and general health you'll discover that to be my true passion, and gift.

Now back to my conversation with this old friend. I then asked him what's going on in his life. He told me he just got a job on Wall St., and it wasn't easy. It took him lots of trips to city, and money he didn't have. From the way he described it it's almost like he would go to various interviews and stand in front of businesses all day until he got his shot, almost like the movie with Chris Gardener played by Will Smith in "The Pursuit of Happiness." Well someone once said getting a job is a job itself. But its good his hard work paid off. Our conversation got interrupted by a family member of his needing a ride somewhere. And I was also heading out. I hope my acts of being a stranger to him, and others will part.

Well my fellow brothers and sisters until next time

One love.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Jersey Campbells dia numero tres y cuatro

I've been coked out for two strait days now but the show must go on. Knowing that this is a 30-day exercise I should have paced myself, but doing one line at a time is impossible. I need a little motivation. Ah... that's better. Ready to rock and roll. Just remember to check me into rehab when it's all over.

Where did we leave off boys and girls? Oh yes,
now is the time to delve into the spread of the coca leaf. According to Wikipedia, the coca leaf was first brought to the land of the people-rapers (AKA Europe) in the 16th century. The Europeans doubted the supernatural powers that the Native South Americans claimed the leaf had at first. They quickly found out about one of my favorite old sayings, "don't knock it 'til you try it."

In a previous post we discussed how the Incas reserved the pleasures of the coca leaf to the nobility and members of the favored classes- court orators, couriers, favored public workers, and the army. The Spanish people-rapers recognized the potential of the coca leaf in its capacity to aid in the colonization process. They lifted the social restrictions on consumption of the coca leaf and made it available to everyone, specifically the slave laborers they employed to till the fields and work in mines. It was the economically rational thing to do- the people-rapers could feed the the slave laborers as little as possible so long as
they kept them drugged up. Here's a plant that the Incas used primarily in a distinguished manner that was then turned into a tool of subjugation by colonists. It was a total 180. I'll stop here before we go off on a tangent about the miserable existence that these people were forced to live in under imperialists.

"You see this land you live on? It's ours now. Oh... by the way, we'll take the coke too."

It was in the mid-16th century that the people-rapers begin a "scientific" analysis of the coca leaf. Various essays and poems made their way back across the Atlantic during the next three centuries as scientist, physicians, clergymen, and laymen studied the leaf and its effects on the natives, some even dabbling in the Inca tradition themselves.

By the middle of the 19th century people in Europe were using the coca leaf (or a variation or an extract of it) as a medical substance. Various ailments and diseases such as asthma, colic and irritability were "cured" by the magical elixir of the coca. 19th century medicine as a whole is similar to a "What's What" list of the DEA's banned and controlled substances in America today.

This led to many scientists attempting to isolate the alkaloid responsible for the magic of the coca. The alkaloid, cocaine (FINALLY), was isolated in 1858 by an German chemist named Albert Neimann.

If you haven't fallen asleep yet, kudos. Don't be mad at me. We're exploring one subject for 30 days, not everything is gonna be fun and exciting. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some things to do.

Name Change Sorry:

I prefer to go by NYC Robert but by display name is Fityourheat2030. From now on it will be NYC Robert so when you get messages from me you’re not like WTF where is NYC Robert? So if you already have a message from Fityourheart2030 don't worry. Sorry for the inconvenience.

NYC Robert: Today I met Nicky, and Emily

I'm writing for 8/18/11
The day started a bit different because I wasn't woken by the sound of a lawn mower. After I was up I turned on the television to see what was going on in the world. As time grew (5 mins later) I realized I fucking hate the news. So I went on my On Demand Play and found this movie named The Town. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend you do. The movie is about a guy who is caught up robbing banks, but now wants out. He also meets a girl who he's fallen for really deeply. The acting to me was really good. Two Thumbs Up!!

Later that afternoon, I didn't know what I was going to do so I contacted two of my comrades. I mentioned plans to go to the local gym, and only got a "Yes" from one of them. As we headed to the gym we had an interesting conversation about what is a "cheater" regarding relationships. After listening to what he had to say I thought to myself, "he needs to experience more relationships." Currently he isn't in one, but he had a couple of good points; however I feel that other points he made aren't very ideal... While at the gym we did a very vigorous workout that left the both of us exhausted.

After dropping my fellow comrade home, I headed to mine so that I could get ready for work. At work I was trying finish a post on my blog, when a co-worker of mine was discussing relationships. I found what she had to say was very insightful. Many of the conversations we have are, but this one was much better than the others. She was done for the day, but wanted to read some of my posts. Therefore, I gave her the sites and told her to tune in. I back got to the post and finished up in no time. Soon enough, I had a customer walk in. Although, I can't recall her name I remember that she came in to buy a camera, and we lived in the same town. She was looking for one to give her husband. She actually picked one out before I could sell her one and we talk about various things during and after the sale. Nothing Important really, but I learned she's not a MILF!!

Work time went by fairly fast, and I was hoping that I would be able to talk to a stranger. Nothing really presented itself to me, and every customer I tried talking to had their own damn agenda. I contacted some comrades and said "I can't fail at my challenge so let's go to our local Starbucks tonight." While at the Starbucks it took a while before I found something to talk about with someone. Reason being I discovered that it’s easier to get someone to talk to you when the topic either goes with the scene, or if it’s a scenario question.
I walked over to the clerk at the store and her friend. I then explained my reason for that, which was to a have a discussion about dating and relationships. I directed my introduction by saying I'd like to hear what women think on this point…It wasn't long before I received their names Nicky, and Emily. As I mentioned, one is a store clerk, so she was still working, however Nicky was not. So she joined my friends and I, and we discussed my three blogs from Vicarious World on dating and relationships ( Nicky had many great comments about the topic, and we even agreed on most of what I mentioned in the blog. High-Five Nicky!!

The day was another success, and once again I'm learning more and more about interacting with others. Also my comrades and others say I seem to be a Date Doctor!! Doctor Robert, I like the sound of that. Dad aren’t proud now!!

Well until next time my brothers and sisters
One love.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jersey Campbell's dia numero dos

I've found a theme song to go along with my 30 day challenge. Let the rhythm of this tune put you in the mood to read the foolishness I post everyday. I'll wait.

Today, boys and girls, we continue with our exploration of the coca leaf. T
he Incas believed that the plant was of a divine nature. The Inca's story on the origin of the coca leaf was probably thought of while they were under the drugs effects. Here is one of the stories that the Native South Americans told to the people-rapers from Europe:
"From what they had heard... before coca was a shrub, it was a beautiful woman. Discovered to be an adulteress, she was executed, cut in half, and buried as a
seed that would be planted. From part of her severed body a shrub, which became known as 'ma-coca' and 'coca-mana' began to grow and blossom. Only men were permitted to pick it's leaves, placing them in their pouches. It was soon learned that the pouches could be opened to take coca only after copulation, which was to be preformed in the memory of the beautiful but dismembered adulteress." I think they meant "before copulation," to increase stamina and screw the brains out of the woman. Who knows.

But wait, there's even more legends and myths about where this crazy-super-fun plant came from. The Andean people of the Central Andes mountain range in
South America believe that God told them to guard the coca leaf "with much love. And when you feel the sting of pain in your heart, hunger in your body and darkness in your mind... take them to your mouth and softly draw up its spirit which is part of mine. You will find love for your pain, food for your body, and light for your mind. Furthermore, watch the leaves dance with the wind and you will find answers to your queries." I don't know about you, but any plant that can alleviate hunger and pain while conjuring the spirit of God within you is legit.

This is way too much fun, let's find some more coca-leaf legends.

It looks like the Incas were very spiritual people, and the coca leaf was one of their methods of heightening their spiritual existence. Listen to these two myths from the Incas. The sun god instructed the moon mother to plant the coca in the moist valleys of the Andes. The leaf was only to be used by the Incas, because they were descendants of the gods of course. This was to give them endurance to perform their earthly functions. Sort of like an ancient PED.

Manco Capac: first party-starter of the Inca Empire

Our last coca leaf origin story for the day is about Manco Capac, the son of god, and his sister-wife (WTF?!?) Mama Cello, who are the founders of the Kingdom of Cusco, the settlement that later became the Inca Empire. Apparently, the two of them brought over the sacred plant along with the agriculture as a gift to reward the people's hard labor. The Incas considered the coca leaf to be a divine plant (any plant with that kind of power has to be divine right?) which satiates the hungry, strengthens the weak, and caused those who chew it to forget their misfortunes. It is also said that the plant turns ordinary, scrawny soldiers into Captain America

One thing common to these origin stories is the spirituality associated with the coca leaf. We tend to think of the early civilizations as barbaric and savage, but they probable knew a lot more than we give them credit for.
They certainly knew how to get down with the coca leaf. Chewing coca leaf was originally reserved for the individuals who enjoyed a high status on the social ladder, but when the people-rapers crossed the Atlantic, they distributed it to everybody because, you know, it would assist in their rape conquests.

Well boys and girls, that ends today's daily lesson on cocaine, be sure to tune in next time when we discuss the spread of the coca-leaf to North America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Charlie Sheen's nostrils.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

NYC Robert: Today I met Pam

As I woke up to the sound of an annoying lawn mower, I began to think of the night I had. Man that was a great night! It wasn't long before I thought to myself, "who will I meet today?" With that thought on my mind, I was also interested in working out. After contacting my comrades to hit the gym, one of them was too hung over from four beers. Ladies, he's a cheap date. The other was more frustrated than ever since he was suppose to be at Six Flags Great Adventure. None the less, he was obviously awake and ready to burn some energy. As we headed to the gym he discussed his relationship problems, and being the good friend that I am I listened and gave some input. While at the gym we did our basic workout, which for today was chest and back. Our workout consisted of many reps and not much rest.

After an hour we took off and headed home. On the way my fellow comrade develop some weird eye irritation and luckily we found a Target. There, we spoke to the pharmacist who recommended a specific type of eye cleaner. While there though I spoke to the pharmacist and told her that my friend was going to pharmacy school. You should have seen how enthusiastic she got. Her answer was "oh, that's nice." As my bottom jaw dropped, I thought in my head, "WTF this chick is dull." She didn't really seem so enthusiastic about her job. But maybe she had a fucking good night (YEAH RIGHT). A good night to her is probably Hagen Daz, and a bowl.
As we left the Target and drove down the road we saw Verizon protestor's. I honked my horn, and my comrade had his thumbs up. Man you should have seen the attention we got. I think not one fucking person took their eyes off their damn hamburger, nor did they seem to hesitate in their conversation.

I dropped my comrade home, and headed to mine. There I had a package! I'd finally gotten my replacement credit card, which now had to be activated. I called the number specified, and then was transferred to an agent. The agent and I had a really insightful conversation. Her name is Pam, and I learned she wants to be a minister. Pam and I talked about this blog, and I recommend her to comment on this one, and the Vicarious World blog ( She gave me great information about promoting and talking to people, as well as continuing this blog at my school. Pam even recommended I try to start seminars. I never thought about anything like that and thought to myself that would really be cool. This blog and the other can be a place where people come before or after there long day and read and comment on what my friends and I post.

Tangent: I usually know where my day is going to take me. Lately, though I'm just going with the flow, and I have to say I like it. This uncertainty feeling makes me feel free, insightful, and more important. So day two was very successful. I've learned that meeting people is very enjoyable, and just like myself they have good things to say. Well now I'm going to go read about something that will puzzle my brain.

Tune in tomorrow. Oh! and One love my brothers and sisters.

Jersey Campbell's dia numero uno

A funny thing happened when I was looking into the history of South America... I fell asleep. So I decided to switch it up. If you know me, you know that not only am I a borderline drug addict, I'm also as ambivalent as an anteater (don't worry, that wasn't supposed to make sense, but I couldn't pass up the alliteration). This led me to throwing away the old topic that could instantly alleviate an insomniac's problem and taking on a topic a bit more... edgy.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug. I may or may not have first-hand e
xperience of that statement famously made by Rick James during Chappelle's Show (fuck yo couch niggas!). Since I was going to study South America, I simply decided to switch the subject area to one of South America's main exports. Cocaine. (Disclaimer: this post will contain as many cocaine-referencing youtube videos as possible. Be prepared.) Let's face it, cocaine is a huge part of American culture. It isn't as widely used as other drugs, such as marijuana, alcohol, and caffeine, but a lot of people seem to be enjoying it a lot of the time.

(Berries not included)
We begin our exploration of cocaine with an overview of the origins of the drug, the coca leaf. The coca leaf was originally grown in western South America and traces of the plant have been found in the tombs of mummies dating back 3,000 years. Of course your first thought is damn, "these guys know how to party!," but I doubt they were using it in that capacity. Then I did some research. Turns out, they kinda were using it in that capacity.

The Native South Americans chewed on the coca-leaf for the euphoric effects it had on their bodies. The high would last for a relatively long time and the stimulation is rather mild. For the ancient Native South American civilizations, the coca leaf was like how we view beer in this country, or wine in France, or even hashish in the Arabic nations of the Middle East. That was they thing, nah mean?

In particular, the Incas believed that the coca-leaf was sacred, and used in the plant in various cultural ceremonies. It has been said that when the Spanish people-rapers went over to South America they watched as the natives labored for days on nothing but the coca-leaf. Days!! If you know anything about colonialism you know what kind of grueling physical labor the indigenous people were subject to. To go DAYS without food but still be able to perform the heinous tasks the people-rapers asked of them is insane. Cocaine is a hell of a drug. What the coca does is reduce your appetite and increase physical stamina, among other things. Forget Viagra, it's time to start selling these people some coke! Wait what? It's illegal? Oh, damn.

Let's throw some coca-leaf fun facts out there. When the people-rapers sailed over in Atlantic in the 16th century, a civil war was starting to eat away at the Incan empire. As always with wars, the economy of the region will suffer, and theirs being an agricultural economy it was bound to break down. To alleviate the losses of edible resources, guess what was used instead... if you guessed the coca-leaf, come on down! Not only can we use the coca leaf for increased stamina, but it's a food substitute. This already sounds like the greatest plant in the world, with cannibus coming in a close second.

Scientific nutritional analysis shows that 100 grams of coca leaf contains 305 calories, 18.9 grams of protein, 46.2 grams of carbs, and satisfies the recommended dietary allowances for calcium, iron, phosphorus, and Vitamins A, B, C, and E. I'm just as surprised as you are.

NYC Robert

Im writing for 8/16/11

My friends and I left for the city at 3:00pm. We drove halfway and then took the subway. On the subway I discovered that the battery for my camcorder wasn't working. That ruined a lot because we wanted to take video of me meeting people and communicating. I thought the day couldn't go wrong, but boy was I mistaken.

Our first stop was the Borders Book Store. Our idea of going to the store was that there are clearance books and other things we could get because their going out of business. In the store I met Joshua who is a business man. We talked briefly about his company. How did we meet specifically you may ask? Well it started when I picked up a Parkinson's disease book. He noticed that I had it in my hand and asked me a couple of questions about it. I know about the disease because it runs in my family and I've studied it in college(Queens College). After talking about that he then explained his business and what he does for the company. He wanted to know if I would be interested in talking further, which I was. But due to the fact I have multiple jobs now I wasn't too excited about pursuing another, however we still exchanged contact information. My first talk with a stranger was a bit weird at first, but like I said the hardest part for me is the intro. After that I am rolling.

After the book store my friends and I decided to go to a bar and get some food. So we head to downtown Manhattan. There, we ended up deciding to go to the 13th Step bar, but before that we got some food at Subway. At the Subway my friends and I ordered three five dollar footlongs. Sadly, they were trying to get discounts on those footlongs. I thought to myself "really? its five bucks." Anyway we sat by the window and after eating we had more time to kill so we made a game of waving to every girl that passed our view. We got good, and bad feedback, but neither of us really cared. While sitting in the restaurant this very beautiful older women walked in. She was about 5'11, had a very sexy coke a cola shape figure, hair as red as the devil's satin comforter and wet like she just got out the shower, hips that look so smooth, eyes as light as the sky, a cotton made orange dress, and sandals that showed her orange toe nails. Since I was to talk to a stranger everyday it was up to me to talk to her, and I was closest to her. I went with a generic lame but true line and said, "your very beautiful." She stopped and said, "well thank you." I then noticed she had a wedding ring and said, "your husband’s very lucky." She blushed and said, "Oh, I’m not married", I ask "why?" and she said, "I haven't found the one yet." That is when my friends brings the line, “Your looking at him." As she smiled and left the store, we all thought that was very funny, and a good line by my friend. The other guys at the restaurant had agreed. Although I didn't get her name that was fun.

It was time for us to head back to the bar. There my friends signed up for beer pong and I just lingered around waiting for a booth to open up. They had somehow started talking to some girls, but I wasn't really paying attention. When a booth opened up I sat down and soon enough those ladies my friends were talking to joined me. We talked about this blog, where they're from, my friends. The ladies work in the city, and were just partying with some friends. That was cool at that time was trying to sell my pitch, but friends that I invited join us. That's when the ladies left and I didn't get their names.

After hours of dollar mugs on draft and eight dollar pitchers my friends were highly drunk and talking all kinds of stuff. One of them was trying to talk to every girl, and the other was looking for the right one. Whatever that meant. I talked to my friends about blog, and about my other blog on Vicarious World ( I got a lot of input, which was much needed. Since my friends don't count as a stranger I will no longer discuss that.

We left the bar and headed home at12:40am. After getting on the train we met a girl named Carol who is Scottish. I just added that because her accent was cool. I discuss to Carol about this blog, as my friends bombard her with like a million questions. I had to contained them. We get to talking to Carol about our other blog Vicarious World (, she had great input and will hopefully post that on the blog. She also was directing us to 34st where we were going to all catch the E train. However, those morons decided not to get off the train as if they know where they’re going. So I was all alone walking to the E, when I got there it wasn't long b4 the train came. On the train some fat guy wouldn't stop staring at me. Due to the fact it was very late I was not in the mood, so I left that alone. When my friends and I reunited about 2 hours later, we headed home and discussed the night we had, which in our opinion was very good.

So day one is done and now onto day two.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

POP! goes the idea

And now for our daily story of glory... presented by Jersey Campbell

It didn't take too long for me to decide on what subject area I'd like to cognitively rape for the next month.

The first attempt was dull, uninspired, the safe pick with little upside past being a 18ppg starting 2-guard. So what, I was interested in it? I'm also interested in History Channel specials and MLB Tonight. Point is, we would have all been ready to send this subject to the gallows by the third day. It lacked the storytelling feature that could keep us captivated for the necessary 30 days.

Eastern philosophy (the original idea) contains schools of thought that may actually be able to fix the debt crisis, the national security crisis, or whatever crisis we're in now... I lost track. Just imagine if the world was full of Ip Man's not only teaching but living the virtuous life. Adhering to eastern philosophical codes that have been taught for-...zzzz. zzzz. zzzz.

Brother Pharmacist and I find ourselves on his porch at around two in the morning. We may or may not have participated in smoking marijuana not too long before the idea of "good god that was wonderful" pooped strait into my brain that may or not have have contained THC at the time. For the first time this year, a random conversation in New York happened to fall upon the state of Minnesota.

We ask ourselves how Minneapolis got the nickname "The Twin Cities," then pharmacist man tells me what I should study for my 30 day challenge: discover unknown facts about America!
He should have known that given how much I love this most wondrous country in the world (America!! Fuck Yeah!!) there were no facts that I did now know about the ole USA of A. It would be pointless for me to find out all the fun facts. I know 'em all! If I'm discovering facts for the sake of everyone it should be a topic that I would get screwed over with on Final Jeopardy- like eastern philosophy, or how to get a job.

Things start picking up when thoughts start forming in my head like a bag of popcorn in the microwave. You watch it as it expands and smells up the whole kitchen; and you here all the seeds popping into crunchy/fluffy/buttery/I-wonder-how-much-I-can-stuff-in-my-mouth-y jellyfish looking chips of addiction.Then...


The moment of revelation has come. The popcorn is ready. It's piping hot and the best time to dip your hands into the buttery haven of the popcorn bag is when it's just been nuked. This bag of popcorn's flavor had a distinct smell I did not recognize at first, it was foreign to me. But with a little more conversational hoop jumping we figured out what I'll be studying.

America's fun facts were disqualified, but if we travel further south there is a whole history that my mind- and I'm guessing many other minds who will be reading this blog- have never thought to explore extensively. We've heard of the Aztecs, and the Incas, and the Mayans, but how much do we know about these cultures? How much do we know about the history of the indigenous South American people?

Get ready to find out ladies and gentlemen, because the popcorn bag is ready to be opened. Those former popcorn seeds are ideas and facts ready to be stuffed into my mouth, digested, then pooped out onto this blog... violently. (I may have a minor obsession with poop. Yes, I'm seeing a therapist for it.)

For those of us who have ever listened to a Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast, don't expect this to be anything like it. I do not possess the narrative umph that Mr. Carlin has, nor do I have three months to do research before each blog post. For all we know this 30 day challenge might turn into a 60 day challenge, or a 90 day challenge, or a 120 day challenge...

Well ladies and gentlemen, this bag of popcorn is for all of us. I intend to share it; who eats an entire bag of popcorn without a few buddies to share it with? Bon appetite.

Peace and Love

Hi it's NYC Robert

For a huge part of my life I've been a bit shy. When i say bit I mean i talk only if i know the person. As I'am growing now my personality is beginning to change, but I want to get really better at loosening up around people and not being so tight. A good reason I feel I can do this is because I played many sports in high school and I'am pursuing a degree in education. With those to traits I've learnt that communication is key. If I hadn't communicated with my Quarter back then we wouldn't had succeeded. Building a good level of confidence can all come through practice. I can assume to get that by sitting on my butt and not trying to communicate and interact with people that I don't know. In addition, interacting with people I don't will also give me the opportunity to view things from many perspectives.
Talking to someone for the first time can be very challenging. One reason for that is because you don't know the person very well. Other reasons can be a lack of confidence in yourself and/or what you're talking about. In my case it's a bit of both. When I meet a new person I feel a lack of confidence until I break a barrier, which for me is usually the introduction.
Introductions are really the most important part of a conversation. It tells a person whether or not they are interested in talking to that person. I've read books that I will mention later on how to start conversations, and how to keep them going. Now I'd like to put them to the test to help myself become more confident in getting my point across.
This blog will consist of a challenge to talk to one stranger each day for thirty days. I will begin my challenge on 8/16/11. My reason once again for doing this is to become a better people person, and to gain confidence in myself when talking to new people. I believe this will help me in my future because I plan on owning a gym one day.

Hi, I'm Jersey Campbell

Welcome friends. Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit our blog. I like to refer to myself as Jersey Campbell. Everything you need to know about me and this blog is either already posted, or will be in the future.

The journey that my comrades and I will be taking is one of self-growth and self-education. Each one of us will be taking on a different challenge, and we will provide you with all the details as they happen daily. These challenges are designed to improve our livelihoods and develop productive habits.

So without further adieu, I will reveal my first challenge. "Study a topic you'd like to master each day." A good brother once told me that we should always be looking to educate ourselves in every situation we find ourselves in. Whether we are at the mall, listening to the Sunday sermon at church, or watching re-runs of Seinfeld, life's lessons show through our experiences everyday. But sometimes, we aren't alert enough to recognize them.

I don't know what my field of study will be yet, but by the time post #1 goes up we will all know. I'll make sure it's deep and interesting.

Also, I recommend that you all participate in a 30 day challenge, and let us know about your experiences. You can find a bunch of sample challenges at the High Existence website:

I trust you will all enjoy our journey, as we will provide you with details of our adventures everyday.

Peace and Love